Steer 20% of your corporate income tax!
The sponsorship law entitles you to choose what to do with a portion of the taxes that are collected by the state, and you now have the opportunity to bring about changes in education nationwide.
The company may redirect towards the systemic transformation of the schools carried out by AVE România, totally free of charge, 20% of the corporate income tax, pursuant to a sponsorship agreement, the payment to be made by December 31, 2023. The sponsorship expenditure shall be deducted from the corporate income tax, within the limit of 20% of said tax, however, without exceeding 7.5‰ (per thousand) of the turnover.
Violeta Rusu
Business Community Fundraiser The Association for Values in Education
*The Association for Values in Education, as per NAFA Decision number 295351 from 17.04.2019.
Un specialist financiar din partea AVE poate lua legatura cu compania dumneavoastra pentru a va oferi supor pentru modalitatea de redirectionare a 20% din impozitul pe profit catre asociatia noastra. In acest scop va rugam sa ne contactati la adresa
Pentru a inscrie proiectul sau organizatia dumneavoastra scrieti-ne un e-mail la adresa, echipa noastra va intra in contact cu dumneavoastra in cel mai scurt timp.
Daca iti doresti sa contribui in proiectele noastre, folosind expertiza ta profesionala sau pur si simplu timpul liber, te rugam sa ne scrii un e-mail pe adresa Cineva din echipa noastra va lua legatura cu tine in cel mai scurt timp.