The first step in the Transformation Programme
Your school deserves the best possible training for its teachers and students.
Through the Transformation Programme, your school will receive ongoing expert guidance, will have a customised growth plan built alongside other specialists having a positive impact on the long term over the headmasters, teachers, students and communities.
If you are a headmaster or teacher, come to our Masterclass, the first step in the Transformation Programme. If 50%+1 of the school’s teachers, alongside the headmaster join it, then the school becomes eligible to take part in the programme.
Descarcă formularul ANAF generat
Pasul 2
Printează formularul, completează câmpul de CNP dacă nu ai făcut-o la pasul anterior și semnează-l.
Pasul 3
Apoi, ai următoarele optiuni:
- Trimite-l pe adresa până, cel târziu, în data de 18 Mai 2023 – astfel încât să avem timpul necesar procesării formularului.
- Trimite-l prin poștă cu scrisoare recomandată către unitatea ANAF de care aparții. Caută oficiul de care aparții în această listă;
- Trimite-l prin poștă sau curier la adresa noastra: Asociatia pentru Valori in Educatie, Bucuresti, Strada Semilunei, numarul 4, Cod postal: 020797.
What is the Programme for the Transformation of Schools in Romania?
Through this programme we aim to accompany the headmasters and teachers in accelerated, scalable and customizable processes of transformation and learning in schools through:
What is AVE?
The Association for Values in Education (AVE), the founder of the Transformation Programme, is a non-profit organization established and funded by business professionals. In just 9 years, AVE community helped and trained over 5.800 headmasters and 16.000 teachers, having a direct impact on over 233.000 students in Romania.
Thus, in just one transformation journey, we integrate the experience from Edu Networks, Leadership Academy and HumanKind programmes which are developed by AVE and through which hundreds of schools had access to training courses, practice communities, consultancy and mentoring sessions.
Do you know the challenges through which your school is going through?
- Increasing literacy among students
- Training and empowering an executive team of teachers to support the headmaster in achieving the targets
- Measurement and assessment tools for students' progress
- Improved teacher-teacher, teacher-student and teacher-parent relationships
- Increasing digital literacy among students
- Developing partnerships with education experts and business mentors
- Improving management and leadership skills for the headmaster
- A more inclusive, non-violent school community
- Reducing school drop-out and truancy rates
How to take part in the Masterclass?
1 Fill in the form below
2 Make sure that 50%+1 of the school’s teachers, alongside the headmaster join in. Teachers may take part in any of the events until the school crosses the threshold and becomes eligible to be part of the programme.
3 Check your email where you will receive the Zoom link for the Masterclass.
What will you learn at the Masterclass?
- Strategic coherence How do we win strategic coherence by applying a methodology which operates at all levels of the school ecosystem
- How we apply the programme How we apply the programme’s steps in day-to-day practice in order to acquire a better training for headmasters, teachers and students alike
- Developing common objectivesHow to develop common objectives at the school level and how to engage all members of the community to achieve result