
The first step in the Transformation Programme

Your school deserves the best possible training for its teachers and students.


Through the Transformation Programme, your school will receive ongoing expert guidance, will have a customised growth plan built alongside other specialists having a positive impact on the long term over the headmasters, teachers, students and communities.


If you are a headmaster or teacher, come to our Masterclass, the first step in the Transformation Programme. If 50%+1 of the school’s teachers, alongside the headmaster join it, then the school becomes eligible to take part in the programme.

Transformarea școlii tale începe cu tine.

What is the Programme for the Transformation of Schools in Romania?

Through this programme we aim to accompany the headmasters and teachers in accelerated, scalable and customizable processes of transformation and learning in schools through:

Skills development for students, teachers and headmasters
creare relatii de sprijin
Building supportive and collaborative relationships
masurare continua progres
Ongoing measurement of visible progress
1000 de școli transformate

What is AVE?

The Association for Values in Education (AVE), the founder of the Transformation Programme, is a non-profit organization established and funded by business professionals. In just 9 years, AVE community helped and trained over 5.800 headmasters and 16.000 teachers, having a direct impact on over 233.000 students in Romania.

Thus, in just one transformation journey, we integrate the experience from Edu Networks, Leadership Academy and HumanKind programmes which are developed by AVE and through which hundreds of schools had access to training courses, practice communities, consultancy and mentoring sessions.

Do you know the challenges through which your school is going through?

These are the benefits you may enjoy through the Transformation Programme:
Cum participi la Masterclass?

How to take part in the Masterclass?

1 Fill in the form below

2 Make sure that 50%+1 of the school’s teachers, alongside the headmaster join in. Teachers may take part in any of the events until the school crosses the threshold and becomes eligible to be part of the programme.

3 Check your email where you will receive the Zoom link for the Masterclass.

What will you learn at the Masterclass?

Choose the masterclass you want to join!

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