The Leadership and Educational Management Academy
Registrations in the programme are closed. If you are a school headmaster, leave your contact details with us and we will notify you as soon as we reopen registrations.
Here are the benefits of your pathway at the Leadership and Educational Management Academy:
- Participation in training modules on a hybrid basis: both online and physical attendance.
- The business-mentoring relationship in the company of a person from the business environment, depending on your own training goals and the school’s transformation objectives.
- Exposure to practices from the educational and the business environments, to the experience shared by the AVE partners.
- Interaction with a community of school headmasters with similar missions.
Who is the programme intended for?
- Headmasters or deputy headmasters of kindergartens, middle or high schools, whether public or private
- Those who hold a headmaster or deputy headmaster position following the national vacancy-filling contest
How do you know whether the Academy can help you in your mission for school?
- You have an inclination toward leadership skills or an interest in developing them for the future
- You have willpower and motivation to effect changes
- You are confident in the fact that all students can and deserve to reach their potential in school and in their career
- You are an example of ethical conduct and personal values both for students and teachers and for those around you
- You wish to manage your duties as a headmaster and constantly seek new ways to do so.
- You are concerned with the well-being of your school’s community, particularly in a pandemic and a post-pandemic context.
The graduates’ results and experiences
152 alumni throughout the 3 generations
44% average progress towards the upper levels of competence in the Leading teaching and learning area, a progress measured with the AITSL standardised tool
28.5% average progress towards the upper levels of competence in the Developing self and others area, a progress measured with the AITSL standardised tool
More than 80% of the headmasters perceive above 70% higher levels of skillsets within the areas dedicated to school management and leadership behaviours and planning and distributed leadership behaviours, respectively
There is a noticeable 2% average increase in pass rates, as opposed to the 1.73% average of schools not included in the programme