AVE România: we improve the education system together
We are launching The Programme for the Transformation of Schools in Romania
Quality education means each student in Romania is able to visibly make progress across eight key skillsets in order to succeed in life. For that reason, AVE is launching The Programme for the Transformation of Schools in Romania by means of which we are embedding in a one-time transformation journey the expertise gained from the Edu Networks, The Leadership Academy and HumanKind programmes.
Descarcă formularul ANAF generat
Pasul 2
Printează formularul, completează câmpul de CNP dacă nu ai făcut-o la pasul anterior și semnează-l.
Pasul 3
Apoi, ai următoarele optiuni:
- Trimite-l pe adresa office@ave-romania.ro până, cel târziu, în data de 18 Mai 2023 – astfel încât să avem timpul necesar procesării formularului.
- Trimite-l prin poștă cu scrisoare recomandată către unitatea ANAF de care aparții. Caută oficiul de care aparții în această listă;
- Trimite-l prin poștă sau curier la adresa noastra: Asociatia pentru Valori in Educatie, Bucuresti, Strada Semilunei, numarul 4, Cod postal: 020797.
We transform education together with you!!
Every student in Romania shall make visible progress across the 8 key skillsets, which have been identified by the European Union Council as necessary in order to allow personal development, a healthy and sustainable life, employability, civic involvement and social inclusion.
1000 schools transformed
by 2028
This means that every student in these schools should be able to enjoy visible progress across each of the 8 key skillsets.
Our mission is to tag along the schools as part of fast-tracked, scalable and customisable transformation and learning processes by means of:
- Competence building for students, teachers and headmasters;
- Forging support and collaboration relationships;
- Continuous measurement of visible progress.
- Literacy skills
- Social-emotional skills
- Digital skills
The transformation pillars
In order to spawn sustainable changes at a school level, the Transformation Programme enhances organisational capacity with the help of three transformation pillars. These contribute to the development of key skillsets by the headmaster, the executive team and the teaching staff, of better lessons and the creation of student progress measurement systems.
Pillar 1
Competence building for students, teachers and headmasters
Pillar 2
Forging support and collaboration relationships
For learning to occur, it takes an environment that is secure and inclusive both for students and the teachers. For that reason, the Transformation Programme pays special attention to building a school culture relying on collaboration, trust, curiosity, respectful and harmonious relationships among all the adults and the students at the school.
A solid network of mentors and coaches will support the schools’ teams in creating a culture of this nature.
Pillar 3
Continuous measurement of progress
In regard to all the competencies developed as part of the programme, both the adults’ and the children’s, the Transformation Programme will support the schools’ teams in adopting and employing progress constant measuring tools and practices so as to calibrate to the best possible extent the pace and type of learning experiences.
What do we do by means of the Programme for the Transformation of Schools?
- We apply the transformation model that entails transposing our interventions on a whole school basis (headmaster, teachers, students);
- We build a relevant learning culture at school;
- We help build up the executive teams in schools and strengthen the assigned leadership;
- We boost cooperation levels among teachers, motivation for collaboration, well-being and the capacity to make up goal-driven teams;
- We provide specialised support by means of advisors, coaches and mentors with management expertise;
- We facilitate profound change through consecutive transformation cycles at an individual and a school level;
- We tailor learning processes with support from our educational partners so as to better address the needs and challenges of each school;
- We set forth clear objectives and measure the achieved results;
- We monitor the academic results and visible skills of all the children: the measurement of results by reference to a child’s actual progress is the best indicator of a successful transformation;
- We develop a clear system for assessing the school and measuring progress on each and every tier (headmasters, teams, teachers, students) and allow setting up an organisational framework geared towards permanent improvement.
The in-programme recruitment process
The masterclass is the first step of the Programme for the Transformation of Schools. It takes place online, on Zoom, and the approached topics comprise self-leadership and mindset change.
Sign up here and invite your colleagues to join as well!
If the headmaster and 50%+1 of the school’s teachers go through this masterclass, the school becomes eligible to take part in the subsequent stages of the Transformation Programme.
Formal contracting
Upon completing the Masterclass, the school may formally enter the programme. At this point, the interventions prepared for the first year of participation are detailed.
Analysis and inception
Next comes, during this stage, a friendly, constructive, but comprehensive school analysis process. Carried out free of any value judgements and aiming to identify solutions, this stage will make clear for schools the steps that need to be taken to enhance the quality of the educational act.
A series of analysis tools will be applied and an assigned team will visit each school. At the end, it shall receive a report containing a series of development recommendations. Concurrently, a dashboard with the necessary interventions will be generated.
*The report and the recommendations, not to be made public, shall be conveyed exclusively to the school.
Welcome to the programme!
At this point, the schools that have benefitted from the analysis and inception stage are able to participate in the mandatory and optional activities of the programme. This spans over a total of 3 years and participation in each of the three years is conditional upon completing the activities of the previous year.
Questions and answers
The total value of the programme is 60.000 lei a year per school unit. With the partner companies’ support, we are providing 200 grants that are designed to cover 95% of the programme costs, whereas the schools will only have to pay for the optional elements, the value of which may reach up to 3000 lei a year.
The programme will comprise main elements (which are mandatory for the school to be able to proceed to the next stage) and optional elements. The mandatory elements will be cost-free for the 200 schools that receive a grant. They do not entail any costs for headmasters, teachers or students and are accessible to the entire school community.
All the assessment tools included in the programme are, likewise, cost-free for all the beneficiaries.
Kindergartens, primary, middle or high schools can apply, whereas the main criterion for selection into the programme will be the motivation of the school’s headmaster and teaching staff team, but also the resolve to make a change with a positive impact upon the children.
Private schools are eligible to take part in the programme, however, they are not eligible for grants. Schools that have previously taken part in Edu Networks may not be selected for the Transformation Programme.